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Lov Lov Studio

Professional Coffee Services

Since the establishment of the studio, it has been focusing on coffee teaching and services

Provided coffee interest classes, training courses, attendance at meetings, maintenance services, etc. for large and small enterprises, institutions, and schools

The team has many years of experience in coffee shops, hotels and restaurants


Officially became City & Guilds London City Institute
【International Barista Course】Registered Examination Center

Officially became the American Society of Silicon Stone Education
【International Coffee Barista Course】Registered Examination Center

Officially become the Specialty Coffee Association
【International Coffee Course】Registered Examination Center

Officially become the Japan JSA
【International Coffee Latte Art Course】Registered Examination Center

Officially become the Italy Latte Art Grading System
【International Coffee Latte Art Course】Registered Examination Center

Team Qualifications

City & Guilds International Award in Barista Skills

Silicon Stone Education Lausanne Project – Barista

Specialty Coffee Association – Barista Skills
精品咖啡協會認證 – 咖啡師技巧

Specialty Coffee Association – Brewing
精品咖啡協會認證 – 萃取

Specialty Coffee Association – Sensory
精品咖啡協會認證 – 感官

Specialty Coffee Association – Roasting
精品咖啡協會認證 – 烘焙

Specialty Coffee Association – Green Coffee
精品咖啡協會認證 – 咖啡生豆

Specialty Coffee Association – Coffee Sustainability Program
精品咖啡協會認證 – 咖啡永續計劃

JSA Latte Art Instructor

Latte Art Grading System

CQI Q Arabica Grader
國際咖啡品質鑑定師 阿拉比卡

Quality Assurance

We also place great emphasis on the quality of our beverages

Special selection of high-quality freshly roasted coffee beans and materials

Regardless of product selection and classroom teaching

Enjoy high-quality beverages